

Vaksindo has Launched Vaksimune IB QX at ILDEX Indonesia 2023

PT Vaksindo Satwa Nusantara (Vaksindo) has launched its latest product, Vaksimune® IB QX on the first day of ILDEX Indonesia 2023, September 20th, 2023, through a seminar delivered by Dr. Teguh Y Prajitno (Head of SBU Animal Health and Livestock Equipment) at ICE BSD. Vaksimune® IB QX is a live attenuated vaccine of the Infectious Bronchitis virus QX strain, which currently is the most widely spread and causing clinical symptoms in poultry.  

Infectious Bronchitis (IB) is a disease in poultry that attacks the respiratory tract and urogenital tract, which can cause livestock productivity to decrease significantly, and affect economic losses for farmers. Vaksimune® IB QX is a solution for treating IB as an effective preventive measure to prevent the spread of disease and further losses.  

Through comprehensive and continuous research, Vaksindo continues to update animal health products utilizing the latest technology and innovative processes. Vaksindo produces Vaksimune® IB QX live attenuated vaccine which has been proven to have higher pathogenicity compared to the M41 strain. Different antigenic types and variants only provide little protection to chickens, so the use of QX strains that are suitable for field conditions will be very necessary. 

Vaksimune® IB QX live attenuated vaccine can trigger a good immune response (immunogenicity) and has been registered with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. Several other advantages of this vaccine include: (1) Providing early protection, vaccination from 0 days of age (DOC); (2) Use in Hatchery Vaccination will provide more precise and economical results; (3) Appropriate protection against IB QX challenges; (4) More protection in the upper respiratory tract (URT). 


Rewatch our seminar video through this link: Controlling IB QX in Breeders and Layers in Indonesia

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