Hatchery Vaccination: Your Early Protection
Newcastle's Disease (ND), Infectious Bronchitis (IB), and Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) or Gumboro are the three viral diseases in chickens that appear most frequently throughout 2022 (Figure). Those diseases make the DOC/chicken's appetite decrease, the chickens become weak and the mortality rate is high in the first 5 weeks of age. Both ND and IB have clinical respiratory symptoms (laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). Inflammatory lesions in the proventriculus can be caused by ND or Gumboro, and are usually accompanied by a secondary infection in the form of Colibacillosis. Even in the field, infections often occur together, so confirming the diagnosis requires laboratory tests. Choosing a DOC with a vaccinated status (Hatchery Vaccine) is the first step to successful chicken rearing, both broiler and layer. By selecting DOCs that have been vaccinated, it means that we have selected quality DOCs supported by optimal antibody titers. Selection of the right type of vaccine by considering antigenic match and antigenic mass is the key to obtaining optimal antibody titers.
Advantages of Hatchery Vaccines
Hatchery vaccines are considered more effective and efficient when compared to the initial vaccinations carried out at the farm. Some of the advantages of the Hatchery Vaccine include better dosage accuracy, more efficient vaccination process speed, better vaccine efficacy, lower stress levels, and saving time and costs. The Gumboro hatchery vaccine, which was previously only given to broiler chicks, is now commonly given to layer chicks and breeding farms because it is safe and provides optimal results.
Vaccine Choice Recommendations
The ND virus that spreads in Indonesia is dominated by the ND G-VII virus, so the appropriate vaccine is a vaccine containing ND G-VII. Several hatchery vaccine options that we can use to fight the ND virus in the field include the killed vaccine Vaksimune®️ ND L Inactive 0.1 and live vaccine Vaksimune®️ NDHV, and/or a combination of Vaksimune®️ NDHV IB. Vaksimune®️ ND L Inaktif 0.1 contains the inactivated ND Genotype VII strain 018 viruses, specially designed for Hatchery Vaccines. The NDHV®️ vaccine contains the Ulster strain ND virus which is safe to administer to DOC and does not cause post-vaccinal reactions. The NDHV IB vaccine is a combination of the Ulster strain ND virus and the H120 strain of the IB virus. The addition of a good variant of the IB vaccine to be given to DOC considering the incidence of IB disease that has occurred a lot throughout 2022. It is still important to administer the Gumboro live vaccine, the Vaksimune®️ IBD MHV vaccine contains Gumboro virus strain MVN 002 (Intermediate Plus), is wide-coverage, and able to protect chickens from subclinical or malignant Gumboro disease, is safe to be given to DOC broiler, layer, and breeding farm chickens.
By drh. Almabi Ganadamar
Hatchery Vaccine Specialist AH
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